
With PHP, you can connect to and manipulate databases. MySQL is the most popular database system used with PHP. What is MySQL? The data in a MySQL database are stored in tables. A table is a collection of related data, and it consists of columns and rows.
The development and history of the internet will also be covered.
Course Content
17 MODULES • 3 months total length
- Echo, Strings and Variables
- Single Quote Versus Double Quote
- Escaping Characters
- Concatenation
- Comments
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Table of Arithmetic Operators
- If / Else
- Else If
- Switch
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Difference between == and ===
- Creating a simple array
- Using array() or []
- Associative Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Array functions
- Printing an entire array using print_r()
- While Loops
- Do…While
- For Loops
- ForEach Loops
- Break Out of Loop
- Continue
- Comparing Strings
- Converting to Upper and Lower Case
- Searching Through Strings
- Case-sensitive and Case-insensitive
- Post Versus Get
- Radios, Checkboxes and Select Fields
- Magic Quote
- Securing the Page
- Using Functions
- Sanitizing Input
- Error Checking
- Displaying Errors
- Sending Email
- Adding a Thank You Page
- Including Files In Forms
- Starting a Session
- Using Session Variables
- Log In Log Out
- Destroying Session Variables
- Destroying The Entire Session
- Making A File Upload Form
- The $_FILES Array
- Uploading Files
- Basic Security
- Creating a new database
- Connecting to the database
- SQL Basics
- The SELECT Statement
- Display The Number of Rows Returned
- Making a Reusable Connection Script
- MYSQL Versus MYSQLI Versus PDO
- Error-Checking
- Making an Include
- Sorting Results
- Selecting and Filtering Results
- Preventing SQL Injection Attacks with Prepared Statements
- The INSERT Statement
- Using Phpmyadmin
- Inserting information from a Form
- The UPDATE Statement
- Update Form
- Display Data in the Update Form
- Display Checkboxes
- Hidden Fields
- The DELETE Statement
- Deleting Rows from a Database Table
- Passing ID Variables in a URL
- Wildcard Searches
- Searching with a Form