
A practical and beginning approach to web design is covered in this course. Introductions to markup languages, CSS, and web development frameworks are included. Students would be able to organize and create a website. With the use of a cascading CSS and bootstrap, this course provides a nuanced approach to transition and animation. A creative and practical approach to web development is encouraged in this course.
The development and history of the internet will also be covered.
Course Content
8 MODULEs • 3 months total length
- File Format
- HTML Template / Structure
- Basic / Meta Tags
- HTML Attributes
- Special Entity / Numbers
- Tables / List / Header / Paragraph Tags
- Forms / Input Tags
- Additional Tags / div / span / article / summary /progress / etc
- Semantic Tags
- Linking CSS to HTML
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Precedence / Hierarchy
- Font-Properties (color / font-size / text-decoration / font-family) etc
- Background-Properties (background / background-position) etc
- Basic Properties / Shorthand (border / margin / border-radius / padding) etc
- CSS units / colors (px / vw / vh / rgb / hex / rgba) etc
- CSS positioning
- CSS Display property and values (flex / grid / column / hidden / none) etc
- Pseudo Class / Element
- Transform Property (rotate / skew / translate / scale) etc
- Transition Property
- Animation Property / Keyframes
- Calc / Repeat functions
- --var—variables
- Media Query (Breakpoint / Flex / Screen Size) etc